Publications In 2018
N.K. Chen, X.B. Li, J. Bang, X.P. Wang, D. Han, D. West, S.B. Zhang, H.B. Sun. Directional Forces by Momentumless Excitation and Order-...
2021-10-19 -
Publications In 2019
1. C. Li†, K. Chen†, M.X. Guan†, X. Wang, X. Zhou, F. Zhai, J. Dai, Z. Li, Z. Sun, S. Meng* , K. Liu*, Q. Dai*. Extreme no...
2021-10-19 -
Publications In 2020
M.X. Guan, S.Q. Hu, H. Zhao, C. Lian, S. Meng*. Towards attosecond control of electron dynamics in two-dimensional materials. ...